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Student News - Updated: March 27
New Intro, Intermediate Character, and LAB Classes in May
New classes start up in May. A new Intro to Improv starts up (please let friends and family know), and Intermediate Game class is also registering for 8pm. We’ll have three Intermediate classes (Character, Game and Scene) that can be taken in any order.
Improv LAB will also continue at 6:30pm with an emphasis on the Acting for Impov this semester. More info about all class registrations can be found on the front page!
Classes run for seven weeks! Help us spread the word with friends and family about to get new Intro signups!
Clip of the Week
Waffle House – SNL
A great example of contrasting the normal with the ridiculous. This is a great example of the “Grounded Scene – Crazytown Scene Painting” that we’ve played with in classes.