Meet New People.

Create Comedy.

Laugh Hard.

Intro to Improv - Mosaic District / Dunn Loring, VA

Tuesdays - March 11 - April 15 (Six Weeks)
8:00pm to 9:30pm

Crescendo Studios
8101a Lee Hwy, Falls Church (Behind H-Mart)

Learn the fundamentals of improv comedy including Yes-And, Got Your Back teamwork, creating characters on the fly, and recognizing and playing with scene game. No acting or comedy experience needed! We’ll teach you everything you need to know. Six Weeks + Combined Class Jam. 

You are funny!

Improv is easier than you think! You don’t even have to be a comedian to be great at improv.

The three main ingredients are to always agree with your scene partner, honor what they’ve said by adding your own part, and make each other look great!

Anyone can learn!

Stretch Yourself!

Improv skills have many uses beyond the stage. The Yes+And skills you pick up in an improv class can be extremely useful for professional development in the workplace!

Improv can help with thinking on your feet for meetings, more effective brainstorming, and getting teams joyfully working together.

We also run workshops for the workplace if you would like to get your team playing and laughing together!

Build Your Community!

Our classes are diverse with a range of ages and cultural backgrounds. You will make new friends!

We all come together to laugh hard and create scenes together, but more than anything else, we want to build community. 

With the fundamentals of listening and support, we fully believe that improv could change the world!

"No one looks stupid when they're having fun..."

Amy Poehler

Our Mission:

Reflex Improv’s mission is to make improv accessible and available to everyone in a welcoming and accepting community where everyone can play, create, and laugh together freely without judgement. 

What Our Students Are Saying:

© Reflex Improv 2022