Improv Battle Royale

Third Fridays 7pm to 9pm
VFW Post 3150
2116 19th St. N. Arlington VA

Free Admission!

The next battle is... January 17th

Each month, on the third Friday, FOUR IMPROV TEAMS will enter the arena, but only ONE TEAM emerges the victor at the end! The winning team comes back to compete in the next month’s competition. The other teams disband. Teams that win three rounds, or have the most votes overall, go on to compete in the Contest of Champions in December!


  • Form a Five Person Improv team with four other friends, classmates, and/or strangers, give your team a name, then enter using the form below. Invite people to help vote you through to the next rounds! If you don’t have four other friends, classmates, or strangers, let us know on the form and we’ll hook you up with an ad hoc team!
  • At 7pm the Undercard Round begins with each of the four teams getting 11 minutes to perform any format of their choosing. Play for the entire 11 minutes until blackout.  
  • Per VFW house rules, all performance content MUST be PG-13 in nature. Light swearing is fine, but no graphic language or content is allowed. 
  • The audience will circle TWO teams on a paper ballot. Everyone can vote, including performers.
  • At 8pm, the Head to Head competition begins with the team that has the most votes advancing going up againt the prior month’s Champion, each getting 20 minutes to perform any format they choose. If there is no prior month’s Champion, then the top two teams will compete. Play for the entire 20 minutes until blackout.
  • In the case of a tie, all tying teams will compete in the Head to Head match, with performance times equally reduced if necessary to fit within the hour. 
  • The victor at the end of the night will be determined by audience applause. The Show Host’s judgement is final. 
  • The winning team may compete in the following month’s competition, advancing directly to the Head to Head round. They also get their name on the Battle Royale Trophy. 
  • If the winning team cannot compete in the following month’s Head to Head match for any reason, they may return the next month they are able, but they must compete in the Undercard Round for that night. 
  • All other teams must disband for the competition. The participants may form a new team that have at least 3 different improvisers, and compete again. 
  • If a single team wins THREE rounds, their team will be temporarily retired, declared “Hall of Fame”, and will automatically advance to compete in the Contest of Champions at the end of the year. The participants of that team may also form a new team that has at least 3 different improvisers to compete again.  
  • At the end of the year, The Contest of Champions will gather the Hall of Fame teams, as well as the teams who have received the most cumulative votes overall, to determine the Battle Royale Champion for 2025! 
  • Excellent sportsmanship is required. Please be a gracious loser and a gracious winner!

© Reflex Improv 2025